Saturday, October 1, 2016

October and the Webfast

Before introducing our "Webfast" and what that is, we first wanted to thank you for all you support and prayers for us.  Thank you for asking us how we're doing and that you've been praying for us, it means the world to us and uplifts our spirits if we're feeling discouraged.  My health is still just okay. Not good but not bad, just kinda going along, but we got accepted for insurance this week so I'll be getting a doctor soon!  And God has been gently reminding us that in times like these he is teaching us to depend not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead (2nd Cor. 1:9).

Now about the "Webfast".  We recently finished worldview class and talked some about how the Internet, Facebook, Instagram, etc has impacted how we view the world and marginalized relationships among other things.  So part of our "homework" for the month of October is a Webfast.  From October 3rd to October 28th we will be Internet free!  No google, no Facebook, no texting, no Snapchat, no TV and no movies.  The point of this is to "unplug" ourselves and get back to face-to-face relationships.  We will spend some time reflecting on life and through the book of Philippians, focusing on our relationship with God.  We will be learning about time management and will "see" just how much time we actually do have if we'd put the electronics away.  We are allowed to talk on the phone and Skype or FaceTime on the weekends.  And we will be able to get emails on our NTM emails.  So if you'd like to encourage us or write us our emails are: and  If you would like to participate with us, we would challenge you to do so!  Even if only part of it is realistic such as no texting or no Facebook, give it a try!  You'd be surprised at how Real relationships are so much better then virtual and that we do actually have time to spend with God every day we just don't make time for it.  We could even send you some of the Philippians reflections if you want, just shoot us an email!

God is good and has us right where he wants us and we're grateful to have people like you in our lives.  Again if you would be interested in supporting us financially in anyway, please contact us and we'd appreciate it and love to talk more about what God is doing in our lives and in the world.  Until October 28th, Jude says "See you later!"


Josh, Felicia and Jude

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