Monday, May 29, 2017

Sprichst du Deutsch?

"Do you speak German?"  Good, neither do we.  A few weeks ago Felicia and I started our introduction to the Cultural and Language Acquisition theories and methods used by our organization Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Mission).  For more info visit or send us an email).  Culture and Language Acquisition, or CLA, class has included time where we actually practice the methods on a language that we don't know.  Felicia and I were in the German class where we worked with a native German speaker to practice a method called Total Physical Response.  You'll see in the videos we have on our Facebook page how it works but basically we weren't speaking but are rather trying to comprehend what the speaker is asking us to do.  Our helper says in German what different objects and people are in the pictures and quizzes us and "tests" us on what we have comprehended and if we can physically respond and identify what she is saying.  It was an interesting time of class that we did 2 hours each day but we after just a few hours we could identify almost 100 things that she asked us to find from different age groups of people, to colors, numbers and even some prepositions.  All this to give us a taste on how we would go about learning a language if/when we are on the field one day.  It definitely gives us some confidence and encouragement moving forward.

On another note, we just finished our 2nd semester here at MTC in a week or so and are back on the East Coast for the summer.  I have a Sunday School class I am teaching for the summer on the Biblical Basis for Missions so please pray for a fruitful time where we, myself included, learn more about who the God is that we worship.  I'll be working part-time for our home church doing some maintenance, but a majority of our time will be spent building relationships, getting in people's homes, having meals, playing games, sharing in conversations as we look to raise some additional monthly support by the time we come back to school in August.  Please be praying for our time building relationships this summer including visiting the 3-4 churches that we hope to visit this summer that the Lord would raise up supporters, people to partner with us in what God is doing in the world, building His Church full of his sons and daughters, to be His for all eternity.  And as always continue to lift us up to learn to depend on Him more and more for all we need.  Thanks for your love and support!

                                                             Josh, Felicia and Jude

Monday, March 13, 2017

Say What?

Amid the most random weather patterns ever, tornado warnings and snow within a week, that title encapsulates a lot of our recent time here at the Missionary Training Center here in Missouri.  The pictures below are of some of the classes we've taken recently.  The picture of the chart is the International Phonetic Alphabet.  Basically we took a class learning these different symbols that make certain sounds.  Some sounds we have in English but the purpose of this alphabet is so that when we enter a tribal group with an unwritten language we can write down the sounds we hear and learn their language.  We sounded like idiots most of the time but it was fun to actually practice skills that Lord willing we may one day use to learn an unreached people's language!

 Another class we took was Foundation Bible Teaching.  The way New Tribes Mission teaches the Bible to unreached people is chronologically, pouring foundations into people's lives about who God is and who they are so that the Cross of Christ makes sense in relation to their sin and their need for a Savior.  In this class we got to teach, along with two other classmates, a lesson from New Tribes' curriculum to our classmates and listened to others present lessons as well.  We got to teach on the children and the rich young ruler as well as the rich fool who ate, drank and was merry but was going to die that night.  The pictures below are of that, Felicia did great!!!  Again it was a blast to have to prepare lessons with other people and to teach a lesson that we may one day be able to teach those who have never heard of Jesus.  We were hearing from a speaker recently that since the Apostle John stopped his writing of Revelation there have been whole Bibles translated into 554 languages and 1,300 languages have the New Testament.  Sadly there are roughly 7,000 languages in the world leaving more than 5,000 languages without the Word of God in their language.  Please pray for us as we continue to be trained to maybe reduce that number by 1 if the Lord allows.  Please pray for Josh's health and our contentment no matter life's circumstances or where we may end up, that we would just desire to be used by God to give people what we take for granted everyday.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Are You Paying Attention?

“The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty…they are soon gone, and we fly away…so teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” Psalm 90:10, 12.

Pause and take an account of your life.  The Psalmist instructs a man to be wise and know, though his years may be seventy or even eighty, they will pass quickly and he will be gone.  But what if your years are only 22? 

With the passing of a friend and former classmate Curtis Feldpausch, the Lord has caught our attention.  I won’t claim to be close friends with Curtis, but this was someone I had hosted as a visitor when he was looking into attending NTBI.  This was someone I had given up way too many 3-pointers to and painted all over a friend’s car on their wedding day with, so learning of his sudden death came as a shock.  It’s the kind of thing that happens so suddenly, that comes out of nowhere and seems to blindside you.  And while extremely tragic, I think the Lord and Curtis would be pleased to have his passing cause many of us pause and reflect before our Father on our lives and ask ourselves what James asks in 4:14, “What is your life?  For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

As we head back to Missouri to continue our missionary training we have been pondering what kind of posture and attitude we want to engage our lives with.  We took a class on “Stewardship” right before we left for break, which began to challenge us to think about how we use our time and resources.  If every day is a gift and we have no promise of tomorrow, how should we approach our days and our interactions with others?  We have been challenged as we reflect on the love of God the Father and that expressed in the life of Christ.  In everything that God did, he did in love and he gave.  God so loved the world that he gave (Jn. 3:16).  He gives living water (Jn. 4).  Christ is the bread of life given by God to give eternal life to those who believe (Jn. 6).  Paul remarks that he lives his life by faith in Christ who loved him and gave Himself for him (Gal. 2:20). 

If we only have today, we want to be people who love and who give.  As we have pondered the frailty of life we’ve had to ask ourselves “What if we died tomorrow?  What kind of lives did we live?  Did we hold back or were we walking before the Lord as if every day could be our last and desired to make it count?  So please be praying for a shift in our thinking and for the Lord to continue to impress these truths on our hearts.  We want to be more giving and share with others our lives, money, time, house and love, but out of a heart of gratitude and overflowing thanksgiving, not a heart of performing to meet a certain list of requirements.  We just want God to love through us and shape us into children of His who let go and are willing to give.  We have some goals that we have set up for this next semester to pursue but in the interest of being conformed to the image Christ we want what is at the very heart of God and that is love.  Thanks Lord for getting our attention because boy do we ever need it, and thanks for doing it graciously.  Hope He has your attention as well.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

We'll Be Home for Christmas

If it seems like it's been awhile since you've heard from us, you'd probably be right!  We're kinda bummed it took this long to update everyone on our time here at MTC but this Fall has been the definition of crazy and our lives have been a roller coaster.  Needless to say we are very excited to come home for Christmas and spend time resting, recovering and spending time with family.  Please pray for a fruitful time connecting with our home church and our family.  We are looking forward to being encouraged and rejuvenated after a long couple months.

Thank you all for praying for Josh's health.  Even though this is his first long flare up with his Crohn's, it seems like it has dragged on forever.  He had to have another minor surgery the end of October for a fistula that had formed near the abscess that he had surgery on in August.  If you want to know what that all is, google it hahah.  But anyway, seeing as how we moved here and had to switch insurances and doctors it took awhile to get in.  Josh is down to a scrawny 125 pounds now (he was already thin to begin with!) but his GI doctor and nurse here are awesome.  We had an appointment with them this past Thursday and they were pretty concerned because of the weight loss and being malnourished.  They wanted to be pretty aggressive for the sake of his intestines and so this coming Thursday he'll be starting a new maintenance medication where he will give himself an injection every two weeks from home.  The nurses say he should feel like a whole new person so we're looking forward to that.  He is already beginning to feel better as they gave him some oral steroids to take until his body starts the new medication.  Thank you for your prayers and encouragement, this has taken a toll on us but we have learned incredibly valuable lessons from the Lord by being in a position of weakness and need.

Some of you may be wondering what this means for our goal of serving overseas and we have been asking ourselves that same question for a couple months now!  We don't have a ton of answers but we do know one thing for certain.  God is building his church, period.  That is what his church was left on earth to do, to make disciples of all nations; no if, and's or but's about it.  And in his grace he has given us the Holy Spirit and the responsibility to reach the unreached with the good news of what Christ accomplished on Calvary.  We realize that certain fields/countries may not be an option for us because health care is limited but we want you to know that we are willing to be used of the Lord wherever we may fit in.  His mission and heart are clear and unmistakeable and though we may not get to fulfill all our dreams and desires, we know why we exist.  We would ask you to pray for us as we continue on in training that we would listen to the Lord and walk in wisdom in looking towards the future for we know "tomorrow has enough trouble for itself".  Pray that "today" we would trust.


Josh, Felicia and Jude

Saturday, October 1, 2016

October and the Webfast

Before introducing our "Webfast" and what that is, we first wanted to thank you for all you support and prayers for us.  Thank you for asking us how we're doing and that you've been praying for us, it means the world to us and uplifts our spirits if we're feeling discouraged.  My health is still just okay. Not good but not bad, just kinda going along, but we got accepted for insurance this week so I'll be getting a doctor soon!  And God has been gently reminding us that in times like these he is teaching us to depend not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead (2nd Cor. 1:9).

Now about the "Webfast".  We recently finished worldview class and talked some about how the Internet, Facebook, Instagram, etc has impacted how we view the world and marginalized relationships among other things.  So part of our "homework" for the month of October is a Webfast.  From October 3rd to October 28th we will be Internet free!  No google, no Facebook, no texting, no Snapchat, no TV and no movies.  The point of this is to "unplug" ourselves and get back to face-to-face relationships.  We will spend some time reflecting on life and through the book of Philippians, focusing on our relationship with God.  We will be learning about time management and will "see" just how much time we actually do have if we'd put the electronics away.  We are allowed to talk on the phone and Skype or FaceTime on the weekends.  And we will be able to get emails on our NTM emails.  So if you'd like to encourage us or write us our emails are: and  If you would like to participate with us, we would challenge you to do so!  Even if only part of it is realistic such as no texting or no Facebook, give it a try!  You'd be surprised at how Real relationships are so much better then virtual and that we do actually have time to spend with God every day we just don't make time for it.  We could even send you some of the Philippians reflections if you want, just shoot us an email!

God is good and has us right where he wants us and we're grateful to have people like you in our lives.  Again if you would be interested in supporting us financially in anyway, please contact us and we'd appreciate it and love to talk more about what God is doing in our lives and in the world.  Until October 28th, Jude says "See you later!"


Josh, Felicia and Jude

Sunday, September 11, 2016

New Trials and a New Address

New address:  134 Main Dr. Roach, Missouri 65787- We'd love to hear from you!

At long last, after much delay we finally have an update out!  It has been different lengths of time since each of you has heard from us, but we'll catch you up to speed.  Many of you know that we were planning on moving to Missouri to start our training with New Tribes Mission.  We are here now, AND PICTURES WILL BE COMING SOON (Felicia wanted me to say this because she wants to show all of you our place), but the process of coming here was hard.  I, Josh, had surgery to drain an anal abscess (sorry for the details haha) on August 4th so moving on August 7th wasn't going to work.  I had a checkup with my surgeon on August 17th, 2 days after class would've already started in Missouri.  We are so thankful to all who helped us out and prayed for us.  A friend from church helped Felicia pack up the Uhaul because I couldn't lift anything and Felicia's mom offered to drive the Uhaul out to Missouri with Felicia and Jude on August 10th and they got there safe and sound.  Couldn't have done it without you guys!  The checkup with my surgeon went well.  He wanted to see me back in 3 weeks but after explaining the situation to him, he told me I could continue on with the move.  So I flew out to Missouri the next day and at long last I was with my wife again.

We have been incredibly encouraged by your prayers and encouragement through this time as we, Josh specifically, have gone through times of discouragement, fear and uncertainty.  The abscess happened as a result of my Crohn's disease combined with stress and my unrelenting desire to push myself too hard physically.  As a result of that I've had to get a little more serious about my diet, I have eliminated gluten, which early on seems to be helping.  Please pray for us as the cost for groceries will be higher but its something we need to do in order to manage my health better.  It's weird when something like this happens you wonder what "normal" use to feel like and if you'll ever going to feel that way again.  As a praise, I do feel better then I did probably when you last saw me, but its a process, one of which I have been told will take longer then my "do-it" personality would like.  But I feel better, I have more energy and am gaining some strength back.  I even kicked a soccer ball around last night a little for the first time in months.  God is faithful and and has pounded my pride with this whole ordeal, I've probably never felt more humbled in my life and has taught not only me, but us to live day by day moment by moment.  We truly do live by every word that comes from His mouth and have been encouraged and challenged to realize what James says in chapter 4 "you do not know what tomorrow will bring".  And honestly we don't know what tomorrow will bring and so we trust, day by day, a good, faithful God.

Anyways we are all doing well.  Jude has settled in nicely and LOVES childcare.  He is still smiley, talkative, stubborn, almost walking and turns 1 this Saturday!  We can't believe our little dude is a year already.  Thank you for everything guys, with how the Lord has designed the body of Christ, we could not do this without you, and I promise, Felicia will have pictures up soon of our place.  Till then please pray for us in the following ways:

1.  We are in training of course and so please pray our hearts and attitudes.  To be attentive to the Spirit in different areas we are challenged with and learners as we are presented with principles about Christian Life and church planting.

2.  Pray for us as we pick a church and a community outreach to be involved with (more on this in the Fall) and for E-linc advisors, which are basically personal mentors for us for our two years here, we get to pick them ourselves.  All this as we manage our life and get back to full strength.

3.  Finances.  We most likely have our first year paid for.  Obviously some of the health things cost a little, not a ton, but the new gluten-free diet costs more money.  We would love more financial supporters to be a part of how God is using us to reach the unreached, if that is something God would have to be interested in, please message us or email us at

Thank you for your love and prayers,
Josh, Felicia and Jude

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Into the Summer

Summer has begun here in Northeastern PA.  We figured that out on a 90 degree drive down to Virginia this past weekend in a car with no air conditioning.  Jude was not happy to say the least.  Although Felicia might say I was worse than him haha.  We had the opportunity to go see some of our close friends get married in Virginia and we had a nice trip.  The trip served as just the tip of the iceberg for us this summer as we will be busier than ever.

Most of you know already but for those who don't, we have been accepted to training with New Tribes Mission and we will be moving to Missouri in August!  For more about the two year training program, visit this link:  We are extremely excited for this next part in our lives and this summer we are starting to actively raise support and build partnerships with anyone who is interested.  If supporting us through prayer, encouragement and/or finances, please message us on Facebook or send an email to

In other news, Josh's Crohn's disease has started acting up a little bit.  He starting having symptoms as recently as a month ago and so his doctor ordered a CT scan and some bloodwork.  We're still waiting on the results but hopefully it just means another medication being added for a little bit.  Josh quit his job a month earlier than we anticipated to see if that would help relieve some stress.  So please pray with us for wisdom in decision making both now and in the future and for the doctors to figure out what to do.  Felicia has gone to work about 4 hours a day or so to get some income to help tide us over until we move in August.

Jude continues to grow like crazy.  He is 8 1/2 months and getting stronger by the day.  Both  physically and his will.  Seems like he takes after his daddy a bit.  He has his moments getting into trouble and getting into things he shouldn't but he is adorable and we love seeing him grow and learn.  He's started to find out what animals are, he loves Grandma and Grandpa's cat and he loves dogs, although they don't appreciate him grabbing at their gums and eyes haha.  All in all he's healthy and we're grateful for that.

Our time here in Pennsylvania is wrapping up soon, as we will travel to Arizona on July 11th for the rest of the month.  Please pray for us as we meet with potential supporters and hope to raise some monthly support for our time in training.  Please pray for Jude to travel well and please pray that we continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ as that, and only that will equip us for ministry, parenting, traveling, life, and eternity.  Thank you for your prayers and love!!

"To wash away the crimson stain, grace, grace alone availeth...Therefore my trust is in the Lord and not in my own merit.  On Him my soul shall rest, His Word upholds my fainting Spirit...Though great our sin and sore our woes, his grace much more aboundeth."  Martin Luther

Be encouraged by God today.

Josh and Felicia