New address: 134 Main Dr. Roach, Missouri 65787- We'd love to hear from you!
At long last, after much delay we finally have an update out! It has been different lengths of time since each of you has heard from us, but we'll catch you up to speed. Many of you know that we were planning on moving to Missouri to start our training with New Tribes Mission. We are here now, AND PICTURES WILL BE COMING SOON (Felicia wanted me to say this because she wants to show all of you our place), but the process of coming here was hard. I, Josh, had surgery to drain an anal abscess (sorry for the details haha) on August 4th so moving on August 7th wasn't going to work. I had a checkup with my surgeon on August 17th, 2 days after class would've already started in Missouri. We are so thankful to all who helped us out and prayed for us. A friend from church helped Felicia pack up the Uhaul because I couldn't lift anything and Felicia's mom offered to drive the Uhaul out to Missouri with Felicia and Jude on August 10th and they got there safe and sound. Couldn't have done it without you guys! The checkup with my surgeon went well. He wanted to see me back in 3 weeks but after explaining the situation to him, he told me I could continue on with the move. So I flew out to Missouri the next day and at long last I was with my wife again.
We have been incredibly encouraged by your prayers and encouragement through this time as we, Josh specifically, have gone through times of discouragement, fear and uncertainty. The abscess happened as a result of my Crohn's disease combined with stress and my unrelenting desire to push myself too hard physically. As a result of that I've had to get a little more serious about my diet, I have eliminated gluten, which early on seems to be helping. Please pray for us as the cost for groceries will be higher but its something we need to do in order to manage my health better. It's weird when something like this happens you wonder what "normal" use to feel like and if you'll ever going to feel that way again. As a praise, I do feel better then I did probably when you last saw me, but its a process, one of which I have been told will take longer then my "do-it" personality would like. But I feel better, I have more energy and am gaining some strength back. I even kicked a soccer ball around last night a little for the first time in months. God is faithful and and has pounded my pride with this whole ordeal, I've probably never felt more humbled in my life and has taught not only me, but us to live day by day moment by moment. We truly do live by every word that comes from His mouth and have been encouraged and challenged to realize what James says in chapter 4 "you do not know what tomorrow will bring". And honestly we don't know what tomorrow will bring and so we trust, day by day, a good, faithful God.
Anyways we are all doing well. Jude has settled in nicely and LOVES childcare. He is still smiley, talkative, stubborn, almost walking and turns 1 this Saturday! We can't believe our little dude is a year already. Thank you for everything guys, with how the Lord has designed the body of Christ, we could not do this without you, and I promise, Felicia will have pictures up soon of our place. Till then please pray for us in the following ways:
1. We are in training of course and so please pray our hearts and attitudes. To be attentive to the Spirit in different areas we are challenged with and learners as we are presented with principles about Christian Life and church planting.
2. Pray for us as we pick a church and a community outreach to be involved with (more on this in the Fall) and for E-linc advisors, which are basically personal mentors for us for our two years here, we get to pick them ourselves. All this as we manage our life and get back to full strength.
3. Finances. We most likely have our first year paid for. Obviously some of the health things cost a little, not a ton, but the new gluten-free diet costs more money. We would love more financial supporters to be a part of how God is using us to reach the unreached, if that is something God would have to be interested in, please message us or email us at
Thank you for your love and prayers,
Josh, Felicia and Jude